Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend and no BBQ?

Yep.  You read that right.  The VooDoo Child is quiet this weekend.  I can't believe it either.  Especially after I just spent two hours watching BBQ PitMasters.  If you haven't seen this show and you are a fan of food, not just BBQ, you should watch it.  I learn something every time I watch it and get hungry (which explains why my pants keep shrinking!)  But speaking of BBQ cookoffs.  I could never do that thing.  I know everyone judges true BBQ masters on how many trophies they have.  But I don't think a bunch of trophies is a good indicator of how good your BBQ is.  I don't understand all of the it has to look a certain way and be presented a certain way.  If the meat falls off the rib bone it is overdone.  Really?  I call that awesome!! The meat has to be presented in a styrofoam box sitting on top of lettuce?!  First off, I don't want a salad with my pulled pork.  And everybody knows the best BBQ is served on butcher paper.  So you can keep your little trophies and contests.  I for one just want to sit down at a table with my family and friends and tear into some good BBQ.  Who is with me?  Do you want pretty BBQ or good BBQ?

Thanks for reading and BBQ it up.


  1. I can't/don't watch any competitive cooking shows. For me, it defeats the entire enjoyment aspect of viewing amazing cooks (not necessarily 'chefs') work their magic. I have always found this a form of relaxation (including when, as a kid, I sat on the counter and watched my mother, aunt and grandmother cook). You are correct, it's about tasty food and fabulous company to share the dining expeerience! Just my opinion, of course. Cook on!!

  2. Amen. Great feedback. Nothing like getting together in the kitchen, on the patio or by the pit. Laughing, cranking that ice cream maker handle (you have never really made homemade ice cream unless you got your turn on the crank) and telling stories. I learned to cook from doing those things with my awesome family.

  3. No ice cream compares to hand-cranked! Although my arm is still sore from the last time I made some ... about 40 years ago! You have to keep packing in the ice and rock salt, careful not to let it seep into the ice cream canister. But it was all worth it. Out of this world taste and a guaranteed brain freeze.
